Saturday, May 9, 2009

Amrita Preetam Sublime

I will meet you yet againHow and where? I know not.Perhaps I will become afigment of your imaginationand maybe, spreading myselfin a mysterious lineon your canvas,I will keep gazing at you.
Perhaps I will become a rayof sunshine, to beembraced by your colours.I will paint myself on your canvasI know not how and where –but I will meet you for sure.
Maybe I will turn into a spring,and rub the foamingdrops of water on your body,and rest my coolness onyour burning chest.I know nothing elsebut that this lifewill walk along with me.
When the body perishes,all perishes;but the threads of memoryare woven with enduring specks.I will pick these particles,weave the threads,and I will meet you yet again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. anju said...
    wowww such a touching poem
    i simply luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vit
    A+++from me
    Your thoughts are so beautiful and endearing
    I shall weave your canvas into every folds of my heart forever

    May 30, 2009 12:43 AM

  3. "When the body perishes,all perishes;but the threads of memory are woven with enduring specks"
    Very well written..nice..:)
